The City Gardener: Contemporary Urban Gardens Summary

Richard Unsworth
- 2021
Urban Gardening
Garden Design
Practical Gardening
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Key Takeaways

  1. Inspirational designs tailored for a variety of urban spaces.
  2. Practical advice on plant selection and garden maintenance.
  3. Detailed garden plans and full planting lists.


Unsworth uses his extensive experience to guide readers through the process of designing their own urban gardens, with tips on overcoming common challenges like limited space and poor soil quality. Each featured garden includes detailed plans and practical advice tailored to urban settings.

The book not only showcases beautiful photographs of each garden but also dives into the strategies behind successful urban gardening, making it an invaluable resource for city dwellers looking to transform their outdoor spaces.

Readers will gain insights into a range of garden styles and layouts that maximize aesthetic appeal and functionality, making 'The City Gardener' an essential guide for anyone interested in urban garden design.

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