The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life Summary

Twyla Tharp
- 2003
This book is good to read when you feel inspired.

Key Takeaways

  1. Creativity is not an innate talent but a habit that can be developed and nurtured with the right practices.
  2. Routine and discipline are as important as talent to creative success.
  3. Creativity involves harvesting ideas, with inspiration coming from a multitude of sources, and often at unexpected times.
  4. Challenges and failures are part of the creative process and should be embraced rather than feared.
  5. Physical activity and cross-training in various artistic disciplines can enhance creativity.


Tharp outlines 32 practical exercises to develop creativity in any field, emphasizing the importance of routine and physical conditioning to mental state and creativity.

She describes how she integrates these habits into her daily life and choreography work, offering examples from her career and other famous creators.

The book includes anecdotes and motivational advice to help artists overcome creative blocks and sustain their artistic output.

'The Creative Habit' equips readers with the tools and mindset to turn creativity into a daily practice that fuels growth and innovation.

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