Advanced Econometrics Summary

Takeshi Amemiya
- 1985
Advanced Statistical Methods
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Key Takeaways

  1. In-depth treatment of both theoretical and practical aspects of advanced econometrics.
  2. Useful for students and professionals looking for a detailed reference on various econometric models.
  3. Particularly valuable for its coverage of less commonly discussed models like Markov and duration models.


Amemiya provides a detailed examination of the theory behind various econometric models, supported by mathematical rigor and extensive examples. The text guides readers through the complexities of model specification, estimation, and inference, providing a solid foundation in advanced econometric techniques.

The book is renowned for its clarity in explaining difficult concepts, making it accessible to those with a strong foundational knowledge in econometrics. It is particularly noted for its ability to articulate the nuances of econometric theory in a way that is both comprehensive and understandable.

With a focus on practical applications, 'Advanced Econometrics' is an indispensable resource for anyone involved in the empirical analysis of economic data. It is highly recommended for graduate students and researchers who require a deep understanding of econometric methods for their work​``【oaicite:1】``​​``【oaicite:0】``​.

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